„Standardization in information security, cybersecurity and public safety” – PKN conference

On December 13 this year, the Polish Committee for Standardization organized a conference entitled: „Standardization in information security, cybersecurity and public safety”. The conference was held at the Zielna Conference Centre in Warsaw.
Our co-organizer was the Government Centre for Security.
The main objective of the conference was to provide access to up-to-date information in the area of security and raise awareness of the role of standards in this area. We put ‘security’ and ‘independence’ – two buzzwords of recent weeks - in a digital, general and informational context. We wanted to bring the security to the forefront among stakeholders and with a leading voice of experts.
The speakers discussed i.a.: why active participation in international standardization is important in the context of cybersecurity and emergency management; changes that have been introduced to information security standards; management systems in the context of cybersecurity and how standards support them; critical infrastructure cybersecurity management; the standards in the field of public safety and a new look at standardization in the critical infrastructure protection.
Cyberattacks are costly, destructive and a growing threat for business, governments and society. Managing information security in a company is a proven way for its uninterrupted functioning.
Thank you for attending our conference and see you at the next one!